Dr. Lisa's Blog
Stories, facts, fun and then some!

This is a myth that many of my patients have when they begin care.  I explain that this is simply not true.  You can benefit from chiropractic for as long, or as short, as you choose.  Chiropractic care is not addictive.  However, beginning chiropractic care is life changing for many.  New patients often tell me that they have “normal” headaches or “regular” lower back pain.  Chronic pain is not normal, however it is very common.  People often get used to feeling tired and sluggish, overwhelmed and unmotivated, stiff and sore because they have felt that way for such a long time.  Many just decide that this is the just way that it is.

Once these patients begin chiropractic care, their experience changes.  As their bodies begin to heal and adapt well again, many long standing complaints resolve.  Once healing occurs, if the pain comes back again in the future, they don’t have to suffer with it again – they know what to do.  They need to be checked and adjusted.  It isn’t that they HAVE to get adjusted, it is that they know what to do and they WANT to be adjusted.  The longer that patients remain under care, the better attuned they can become to their bodies and how they function.  Many learn that the best course of action is getting checked regularly so they can stay in optimal alignment and function.  Wellness becomes their focus and their lifestyle.