Dr. Lisa's Blog
Stories, facts, fun and then some!

By Dr. Lisa Provenza-Tabak

Life can have a way of becoming routine with one day blending into the next. Many of us come to accept that things just are the way they are. This can be true of our health, relationships, jobs and so much more.

It can be helpful to take a step back and look at your life, body and health asking the question – am I thriving or surviving. When you wake up in the morning, do you feel well rested and ready for a new day? Or do you hit snooze multiple times dreading getting up and beginning your day. Do you have to go to work or do you get to go to work? Do you feel comfortable in your body – balanced, strong and flexible? Or do you feel tight, stiff, stressed and old? Do you feel life is full of fun and possibilities or do you feel stuck in rut or like a hamster on a wheel?

If you find that you don’t feel like you are living life as the best version of yourself, now is the time to make positive changes. Your nervous system is the system you use to process your life and to assess your internal environment. Having a nervous system free from interference is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. This one step can set you on a path of possibility and hope. Consider regular chiropractic care as part of your plan to thrive.