What others are saying

If you're looking for a holistic relationship with your body and your chiropractor, look no further! I first came to Dr. Lisa over 20 years ago because I didn't want a pop-and-go chiropractor. If that's your thing, no judgement! But I wanted to know and understand what was going on with my body.

I wanted to work in conjunction with someone who would empower me with that information, so that together, we could build a better body and a better life for me and my family! I love all the aspects of wellness I am able to address with Dr Lisa!! From nutrition to cranial sacral to NET (Neuro Emotional Technique), I cannot even believe how life changing these modalities have been in my journey! My girls have been seeing Dr Lisa since they were born and she has been a huge part of their wellness journey and their lives as well!! They have also utilized nutrition, cranial sacral, and NET! I can't even express how often she has been our go-to for so many needs! AND she is continually furthering her scope of knowledge and education to consistently provide us with new options and information on the latest health advances!

So if you're looking for more than 'just a chiropractor' or if you've previously had a negative experience with one, I encourage you to take another look! You may find just what you've been looking for with Dr Lisa!